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Ayurvedic Cooking Class for Yoga Practice with Sanjay

Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences. A balanced Ayurvedic diet enhances and supports one's Yoga practice as Ayurveda is aimed at relieving diseases of the body and mind.

Sanjay has been practicing Ashtanga Yoga for 11 years. From his own experience, he found that using Ayurveda for healing has greatly helped his Ashtanga Yoga practice and his health. He has been studying Ayurveda with Dr. Padmini Ranganathan in Mysore, India for the past 10 years. In addition, coming from a traditional South Indian family Sanjay has gained a lot of knowledge about cooking from his family.

In the cooking class, Sanjay will provide an introduction to Ayurveda and talk about how food can influence one's yoga practice and will teach you how to cook Sattvic Ayurvedic meals including making Ghee. You will learn about some basic Ayurvedic principles such as the 3 qualities of Primal Nature or Gunas (Rajas, Sattva, Tamas) and the 3 pranic/life energies or Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Yoga is about returning the mind to its original pure or Sattvic state. A Sattvic diet will help achieve this by enhancing one's yoga practice. In addition, you will learn about helpful daily routines (Dinacharya) and seasonal routines (Ritucharya) which are essential for health and transforming body/mind to a higher level of functioning.

The class will begin with the making of an immunity boosting herbal tea followed by an hour-long slide presentation about Ayurveda and Yoga with Q&A. Then we will cook and discuss as we go along.

Please allow enough time as the class may run longer than planned as students have more questions and discussions over dinner. So do not plan anything immediately after the class.

Please bring your own plate and spoons, and 2-3 containers to take home any food if leftover and ghee (bottle is best).

Everyone will get a bag of different basic spices including a copper tongue cleaner (for Dinacharya) to take home. Recipes will be sent by email after class.

The Workshop will be limited to 10 people. The class takes at least 3 hours and costs: 50€ for the workshop and 10€ for ingredients/supplies (10€ please in cash).